sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

partilhar entre OSX e Ubuntu com VirtualBox

  • Com a máquina virtual desligada, selecione a máquina e vá em Settings > Shared Folders
  • Adicione um new folder, em Folder Path coloque o caminho da pasta que está na máquina host. Em Folder Name dê um nome para a pasta
  • Por exemplo "Share"
  • Clique em OK e inicialize a máquina virtual
  • No ubuntu, crie uma pasta para montar o share.
  • Por exemplo "Share"
  • Abra o terminal e digite "sudo mount -t vboxsf FolderName PathToMount"
  • FolderName é o nome que foi escolhido para a pasta no segundo passo e PathToMount é o caminho do folder criado no ubuntu.
  • Por exemplo: mount -t vboxsf Share /home/my_user_name_here/Share
Para não estar sempre a escrever o anterior:
  • in Terminal: sudo gedit /etc/fstab
  • add to the end of my fstab file
  • "Share /home/my_user_name_here/Share vboxsf defaults 0 0"

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009

Virtual box - Linux

Para instalar os extras:

1. Install DKMS before installing the Linux Guest Additions
• On an Ubuntu system:
sudo apt-get install dkms

No mac:
Mount the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file as your Linux guest’s virtual CD-ROM drive

sudo find / -name VBoxGuestAdditions.iso

cp VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /Users/rromano/Desktop

selecionar na VM a imagem

2. Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as
sh ./


resolution graphics modes
you can
change your setup by editing the configuration file of the X server, usually found in

Pastas Partilhadas:

In a Linux guest, use the following command:
mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint
Replace sharename with the share name specified with VBoxManage, and
mountpoint with the path where you want the share to be mounted (e.g.
/mnt/share). The usual mount rules apply, that is, create this directory first if
it does not exist yet.

Beyond the standard options supplied by the mount command, the following are
iocharset CHARSET
to set the character set used for I/O operations (utf8 by default) and
convertcp CHARSET
to specify the character set used for the shared folder name (utf8 by default).
The generic mount options (documented in the mount manual page) apply also.
Especially useful are the options uid, gid and mode, as they allow access by
normal users (in read/write mode, depending on the settings) even if root has
mounted the filesystem.

Virtual box - Windows

Instalar Extras:
Mount the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso as your virtual CD-ROM drive

Pastas Partilhadas:
- selecionar na Virtual Box a pasta pretendida
- net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename