quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

Rosetta stone uninstall - macOS

Rosetta stone uninstall, delete "Rosetta Stone" file:

1. "Library/Application Support"

2. "Library/Receipts"

3. "Applications"

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Ring Tones in Android

To be able to add and change the ring tones in Android follow these steps:

-To calls: create a folder named "ringtones";
-To messages (notifications): create folder named "notifications";
-To alarms: create folder named "alarms".

I create the folders in "/sdcard/media/audio".

Just put the files .mp3 in the respective folders and the new ring tones are available in the selection lists.

quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

hp c4280 problems

HP Photosmart C4280 Cartridge Problems

If you have an HP Photosmart C4280 Printer, HP might try to rob you… on ink cartridges. If the printer displays a message:
Print cartridge(s) missing or not detected.

It doesn't mean that! You might think that the cartridge is empty or damaged. You couldn't be more WRONG! It just means that HP wants YOU to BUY a NEW CARTRIDGE - but DON'T DO THAT! You cartridge is presumably fine!

Actually you can try to convince the printer that the cartridge is ok by entering the service mode. To do that press buttons in the following sequence:

  • Power and Cancel simultanously, then
  • Blue, Green, Gray buttons, in turn.

Congrats! You entered the service mode. Now you can read and edit some of the printer settings. Watch the LCD display, it should say sth like:


Now, the color buttons mean:

  • Blue: next
  • Gray: previous
  • Green: enter

Which allow you to browse the menu and options.

In order to cure your cartridge press Blue once. You will see Information Menu displayed. Enter the menu by pressing Green. Go to Pen supply, level of Ink (LOI) submenu by pressing 11 times Blue and enter it by pressing Green. Then you can see some ink levels on the display. At this point your job is done. Press Cancel 3 times – it will quit the service mode. And you will notice that the nasty message about the cartridge being missing is gone.

Putting it all together, to reset the message press:

  • Power and Cancel simultaneously,
  • Blue, Green, Gray, in turn,
  • Blue
  • Green
  • 11 times Blue
  • Green
  • 3 times cancel.

I found these service codes on the web and accidently i figured out that viewing the ink level resets the nasty message. The drawback is that you need to reset the printer pretty much every print job.

from http://wojnickitech.blogspot.com/2009/11/hp-photosmart-c4280-cartridge-problems.html

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Change Login Image on Leopard

Find an image and save it in your desktop as DefaultDesktop.jpg.
In the Terminal enter:
sudo mv /System/Library/CoreServices/DefaultDesktop.jpg /System/Library/CoreServices/DefaultDesktopOld.jpg

Then type:
sudo cp DefaultDesktop.jpg /System/Library/CoreServices/DefaultDesktop.jpg

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009

svnX with https certificate

  1. Type "svn ls " in terminal
  2. Acept the certificate permanetly (p)
  3. svn should now be able to connect to your repository without problems.

Show Hidden Files

  1. Open Automator.app
  2. Select Run Shell Script from the list of available actions, and drag it into your workflow.
  3. Type the following code into the Run Shell Script text box:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
  1. Save as a Plugin with name " ShowHiddenFiles"
  2. Now a simply right-click and Automator > ShowHiddenFiles and the Finder will restart showing all your hidden files.
  3. Repeat the process but change "FALSE" for "TRUE" and save the new plug-in as HideHiddenFiles.

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

Coordenadas do googleMaps para GPS

  1. Escolher o local.
  2. Centrar o mapa no local pretendido (clicar com o botão direito do rato, sobre o local exacto e escolher a opção "Centrar o mapa aqui").
  3. Clicar no link "Hiperligação para esta página".
  4. Copiar o link e filtrar as coordenadas, que estão localizadas depois do conjunto de caracteres "ie=UTF8&ll=".
  5. Traduzir as coordenadas para o sistema do GPS:
  • Latitude: valor positivo -> N (Norte), valor negativo -> S (Sul).
  • Longitude: valor negativo -> W (West-Oeste), valor positivo -> E (East-Este).